Learning how to better navigate your state during times of uncertainty, to reduce overwhelm, stress and anxiety, and actually perform, is really important at work – especially if you want to establish yourself as a credible leader.
Let’s face it – the workplace is full of change - from restructures or reorganisations, to new policies, transformation programs, new management and new priorities. It can become exhausting really quickly and could lead to burnout.
In this video, I’ve invited my business partner and husband Faysal to join and we’ll be sharing 3 insights from recent neuroscience research to help you perform during uncertainty.
The three insights are:
1️⃣ Break free from stress-induced ‘tunnel-vision’
2️⃣ Repurpose the ‘struggle’, and
3️⃣ See Uncertainty as a learning opportunity
Experiment re Electric Shocks:
de Berker, A.O., Rutledge, R.B., Mathys, C., Marshall, L., Cross, G.F., Dolan, R.J., Bestmann, S. (2016). Computations of uncertainty mediate acute stress responses in humans. Nature communications, 7, 10996.
Lateralised Eye-Movement and aMygdala Deactivation:
de Voogd, L. D., Kanen, J. W., Neville, D. A., Roelofs, K., Fernández, G., & Hermans, E. J. (2018). Eye-Movement Intervention Enhances Extinction via Amygdala Deactivation. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 38(40), 8694–8706.
Brain Circuits
Salay, L.D., Ishiko, N. & Huberman, A.D. A midline thalamic circuit determines reactions to visual threat. Nature 557, 183–189 (2018).
Massi, B., Donahue, C. H., Lee, D. (2018). Volatility Facilitates Value Updating in the Prefrontal Cortex. Neuron, 99(3): 598-608.
Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman Video Interview (with Tom Bilyeu)